Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tilwima t'armonija

Kollox f’postu, f’armonija
Wara tilwima mwittija.
Kelma kelma iġġib il-oħra
Sewwa sew tqajjem argument.

Huma dawn mumenti ħelwa
Fejn minkejja li titlewwem
Issaħħaħ sew dik il-għaqda
Li teżisti bejn raġel u mara.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Il-Kitba stqarrija

Il-kitba misterjuża
Jafha biss il-ħsieb u ftit kittieba.

Kull kelma titnaqqax
Wara elf ħsieb li jiġerra fil-moħħ
Kull kelma li titniżżel

Kittieb jispiċċa, jinqered, jitmermer
Il-kelma imniżżla hemm tibqa’ u ssostni
Ħsieb qawwi u sod
Li darba nkiteb u nqara.

Il-kitba hi stqarrija ta’ ħsieb
Li kien jafu biss il-ħsieb u ftit kittieba.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Melodious Streak

"I'd like to hear you play"
I said as our lives got by.
You pulled me along,
sitting on the bench of life
besides you.

You gave me a long love filled look
Then..., you turned to the keys......
your fingers flowed,
swiftly across the ivory,
and the room was filled,
with a personal composition;
so complex, so rich...
you played with awe,
as though, not only you,
you played so passionately...
I, so astonished, so amazed;
You, looking casually at me;
You asked:
"Do you like it?"
I closed my eyes
as I felt so insignificant
through the profusion  of notes
You played, but yet,
You looked into my eyes and said:
"You inspired me..."

Tears running down my cheeks
life was endless, black and mean
until you came into my life
with such a melodious streak,
and a joy for life
so tender, so sweet.

"I love you"
I uttered today and forever
till the days set us apart.

You are my life now
and for you love I bow in awe
For good and for bad times
but surely never for granted!