Sunday, February 10, 2013


You make me smile a smile
That is much bigger than life
One that pierces through the clouds
And touches heaven’s gates.

You make me smile a smile
That shines bright through the dark of night
One that out-stands the past
And gives my future new life

You make me smile a smile
That hums life’s unplayed melody
One that wipes away my tears
And eases all the pain away.

You make me smile a smile
That makes me feel just fine
One that leads to hope
And renews my wavering poise.

You make me smile a smile
Of friendship and love endures
Inundated with hopes and dreams
When I think of you
My rare and precious mum
You make me smile a smile
Of blooming joy and pride
When I just think of you!

Love you!
Happy Birthday!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tilwima t'armonija

Kollox f’postu, f’armonija
Wara tilwima mwittija.
Kelma kelma iġġib il-oħra
Sewwa sew tqajjem argument.

Huma dawn mumenti ħelwa
Fejn minkejja li titlewwem
Issaħħaħ sew dik il-għaqda
Li teżisti bejn raġel u mara.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Il-Kitba stqarrija

Il-kitba misterjuża
Jafha biss il-ħsieb u ftit kittieba.

Kull kelma titnaqqax
Wara elf ħsieb li jiġerra fil-moħħ
Kull kelma li titniżżel

Kittieb jispiċċa, jinqered, jitmermer
Il-kelma imniżżla hemm tibqa’ u ssostni
Ħsieb qawwi u sod
Li darba nkiteb u nqara.

Il-kitba hi stqarrija ta’ ħsieb
Li kien jafu biss il-ħsieb u ftit kittieba.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Melodious Streak

"I'd like to hear you play"
I said as our lives got by.
You pulled me along,
sitting on the bench of life
besides you.

You gave me a long love filled look
Then..., you turned to the keys......
your fingers flowed,
swiftly across the ivory,
and the room was filled,
with a personal composition;
so complex, so rich...
you played with awe,
as though, not only you,
you played so passionately...
I, so astonished, so amazed;
You, looking casually at me;
You asked:
"Do you like it?"
I closed my eyes
as I felt so insignificant
through the profusion  of notes
You played, but yet,
You looked into my eyes and said:
"You inspired me..."

Tears running down my cheeks
life was endless, black and mean
until you came into my life
with such a melodious streak,
and a joy for life
so tender, so sweet.

"I love you"
I uttered today and forever
till the days set us apart.

You are my life now
and for you love I bow in awe
For good and for bad times
but surely never for granted!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rota tal-Ħajja

Fejn jien ma nafx
għaġġla sfrenata  

ġiri, kuluri, duħħan

oċejan maestuż  bla tarf...
arloġġ itektek
magna tal-ħjata tokrob  
drapp jintiseġ fi ħwejjeġ  

kalma, kuluri, kristall...

An Answer

Your smile was the beginning of a life unknown
My laugh was our first step down the aisle.
Your hand would be soon mine to hold forever.
Your forever is overflowing with love.
You endowed me with care and joy.
For me you are what was missing.
Your generosity was a question answered.
And my answer will always be “I do”.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Ħarbixt ismek fis-sema;
Imma ir-riħ tajru l-bogħod.
Ħarbixt ismek fir-ramel;
Imma l-mewġ ħakkmu u ħassru.
Ħarbixt isemk ġo qalbi;
Fejn ser jibqa’ għal dejjem!